ATYPE10.ZIP 1001,877 11-22-96 ANIMATED BEGINNING TYPING v1.0 <ASP><ESC> isfor beginning typist of all ages. Animationand sound effects are used to make learningto type fun (and funny). Proper technique istaught with a tutorial and three differnet
games. For Win3.1 and Win95.
BIGMA250.ZIP 231,401 09-10-96 BIG MATH ATTACK! tests your math skillsspelling, typing and metric conversionsskills in a fun arcade environment. Severalskill levels are available that makes thisprogram suitable for both children and
adults. Top scores recorded. EGA or VGA, harddisk reqd. Version 2.5
CRAYON41.ZIP 289,227 09-30-96 CRAYON BOX 4.1 Coloring book & kid gamesKeeps the kids entertained for hours! Asketch/paint/coloring book, math quizzer,counting & color identification, USA statesgame, spirals, Concentration memory game,
music, piano. Fun and educational. RequiresEGA/VGA, mouse, hard disk and 1 child :-)
CRW16_1.ZIP 1383,505 10-10-96 ClassRoom Windows For Win 3.1 teachersassistant
CRW16_2.ZIP 954,051 10-10-96 ClassRoom Windows For Win 3.1 teachersassistant
FLASH_40.ZIP 595,300 09-15-96 WinFlash v4.0 <ASP> - This major upgrade adds"smart" multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blankcapabilities to this award-winning flashcardprogram. A new WYSIWYG editor makes deck
construction a pleasure - with browsers andviewers for graphics, sound and video supportfiles. You can also print your cards,including graphics, for use away from thecomputer. Easy and fun for children to use.
Requires Windows 3.1 or higher - Shareware
LEALO11.ZIP 148,982 09-26-96 Lealo es un curso completo en formato .hlp deWindows para aprender a leer ingles con laayuda de un diccionario. Explicaciones,ejemplos y ejercicios con clave.Lealo is a complete course in Windows .hlp
format which will enable Spanish speakers toread English texts with the aid of adictionary. Explanations, examples, andexercises with a correction key.
LILPIC12.ZIP 249,958 09-30-96 Lil' Picasso - Coloring book for children.Great paint/drawing program for futureartists. Push button interface makes it easyfor even the youngest child to create amasterpiece. Includes several pre-drawn cute
pictures, ready to color. Hundreds ofcolors/patterns. Printer support. RequiresVGA, mouse, hard disk. Teaches eye/handcoordination skills. Makes a great gift forthe young ones!
QUIZ308.ZIP 190,112 09-22-96 Create A Quiz - Lets you generate your ownon-screen interactive quizzes. Great forteachers and students. Quizzes can also beprinted out. Can be used in a stand-alonekiosk environment. 1-9 participants may play
at the same time - great for games. Supportsmultiple choice and fill-in-the- blankquestions. Can also be used to give and tracksurveys. Many, many options. Menu driven,easy to use interface.
SIR_HM10.ZIP 1236,712 10-16-96 Ssorg Software's Sir Hangman v1.0 <ASP> Is aneducational game for Windows 3.1. Based onthe classic hangman word game with subjectrelated words and hints. Create your ownsubjects or use existing ones. Set levels,
sound, and animation. Shareware. Registrationfee: $20.
SM114.ZIP 1342,336 10-22-96 R&R School Maestro For Windows v1.14 <ASP>.Advanced Windows based software for theprofessional educator with extensive on-linehelp. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt orweighted scores, discard worst scores, extra
SPELL210.ZIP 182,790 09-30-96 SHOW 'N SPELL-EGA graphic spelling bee! A funway for children (& adults?) to increasetheir spelling skills. Random pictures appearfor you to identify and spell. 3 skilllevels. Play against the clock. Imports
spelling word lists. EGA/VGA & hard diskrequired. Vers. 2.0
SPNWIN22.ZIP 415,475 12-15-96 Spanish Helper for Windows Level One <ASP>Excellent Interactive program to learnSpanish. Levels Two and Three are availableby registration. The programs' interactivequizzing system allows you to learn
vocabulary rapidly. Contains a large databaseof vocabulary allowing you to form your ownquiz lists, as well as an on-line grammarhelp program. Its design makes it the perfectprogram for individuals or schools.
TCNDOS34.ZIP 384,627 09-03-96 The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program, study aidwith 100+ pages rights commentary and inter-active search and indexing abilities. Userscan determine for themselves and to their own
satisfaction what is WRITTEN in the Constitu-tion and what it MEANS. Provided commentarycan be edited, printed, or saved in a textfile. Users can add their own commentary. Allneeded documentation is in an on-screentutorial plus exhaustive help.
TCNWIN34.ZIP 782,319 09-03-96 The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program, study aidwith 100+ pages rights commentary and inter-active search and indexing abilities. Userscan determine for themselves and to their own
satisfaction what is WRITTEN in the Constitu-tion and what it MEANS. Provided commentarycan be edited, printed, or saved in a textfile. Users can add their own commentary. Allneeded documentation is in an on-screentutorial plus exhaustive help.
TMASTR31.ZIP 412,452 11-25-96 TypingMaster 3.1 Touch typing trainer forPC-computers. Shareware, $25. - Guidedstudying, 40 exercises - Intelligent erroranalysis - 4 educational games - Text typingwith the efficiency meter etc.